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About Us

About Our Business!

As your new owner/manager/caretaker the business objectives are to maintain the current status while building effective relationships. As MLR owners it is important that we understand and meet body corporate, owners, and investors objectives on how the Fairways Golf & Beach Retreat is maintained.

Through building strong and effective relationships within the complex, we are able to identify each individuals appetite for change including improving process and where or when this should be raised and addressed. We are confident we have multiple avenues for achieving this such as the day-to-day running of the complex, face-to-face contact, feedback, networking, or through more formal mediums such as body corporate committee meetings or annual general meetings.

Our web presence will be maintained with regular updates on what is happening within Fairways Golf & Beach Retreat. The website provides owners (occupier or investors), tenants, guests, and the public an avenue for feedback and/or inquires such as questions, concerns, or issues. Should we not be able to answer your inquiry, we are happy to follow up and feed-back or point those inquiries in the right direction.

We maintain a live onsite presence. Whilst we are available 24/7 on cell phone should emergencies arise.

We acknowledge that the initial settiling in period is a learning period which enables us to monitor and review office operations and caretaking procedures and performances. Current systems and procedures are maintained and continue as advised. Change may be necessary and any future changes we deem necessary will be undertaken in close consultation with those impacted and those who have knowledge or expertise in the specific area being reviewed.

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